A Beginner’s Glossary For SEOIf you are new to the world of search engine optimization, there are many terms that you’re going to need to learn along the way to be successful. Below, you’ll find a list of standard SEO terms that will act as a “cheat sheet” when starting and why a San Diego collaborative space is the best place for your company. 

301 Redirect

The 301 redirect is a fact of life in the online world, but sometimes this can hurt your SEO if the 301s pile up. Older web content that has been constantly moving through all your website changes, for example, can acquire a big chain of 301 redirects that can both slow downloading as all those links are combed through, or even confuse bots as they try to make their way through the maze.

Anchor Text

When creating links in your content, you’ll likely highlight a couple of words and add a link. For instance, if you’re referencing a research study, you may add the link to something that says, “A Harvard University study…” The words that hold the hyperlink are considered anchor text. Keyword-optimized anchor text is ideal.


One of the best ways to get effective backlinks is to ask politely! Look for web content that is relevant to your product and service, and if that website has a resource page, write an email asking if your website can be linked to the resource page. This will be especially effective if your link addresses a “hole” in the topic being discussed. So if you sell paint, and you find a website about remodeling that doesn’t address house paint, point out how mutually beneficial it is if your paint product is added as a resource for this remodeling website or article. Always try to position your backlink as adding value to the content.

Meta Description

Meta Description is, in some ways, your critical “first impression” when it comes to SEO. Because this is the sentence that appears on the search engine results, it will be the first bit of information that convinces a user whether your website will provide the answers the user is looking for. Your keyword SEO has led a user to your meta description; now, your meta description must add in a bit more detail to entice the user to click one more time, and visit your website.

Looking For SEO Experts In A San Diego Collaborative Space?

Social media should, of course, be extensively researched, especially for more business-related SEO inquiries, where platforms like LinkedIn can be invaluable. However, it’s important to remember that people configuring and experimenting with SEO can be found just about anywhere, and to a degree, your own experiments with SEO means that you probably have something to share with others.

So while you actively look online for SEO experts to answer your specific questions, always be ready to ask, comment, and discuss SEO issues in other settings. Joining a San Diego collaborative space, for example, means you may meet many different entrepreneurs whom all need to address SEO concerns, just like you. By engaging with these collaborative space neighbors, you can find out tips, tricks, and new directions that might not have occurred to you if you were searching for one specific answer on a search engine. Don’t be afraid of synergy!


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