The Benefits Of Having An Employee-Positive CultureAs a young entrepreneur, you likely are worried about things like financial statements and investors when trying to launch your company. Many business owners neglect one of the things most fundamental to a company’s success, “culture.” Culture is the “vibe” that exists in your San Diego coworking spaces. It’s a combination of your:

• Standards
• Values
• Beliefs

Why is company culture so critical? Below, we’ve outlined some of the primary benefits of having an employee-positive culture and how you can go about installing such a culture in your workplace.

Attract Top Talent

More and more, companies are touting their employee-positive culture as a draw for top talent. If you’re looking to onboard the best and brightest employees, you’ll want to provide them with a place where they’ll want to work. Many millennials value things like culture and work-life balance over money. So, providing prospective employees with the largest salary may not be enough.

Motivate Your Employees

Two of the best ways to motivate your employees are to make them feel heard and to recognize positive results. One of the fastest ways to demoralize employees is to leave them with the sense that they are ignored, and that nothing they say matters or will be acknowledged. Active engagement with employees and a tangible effort to maintain the lines of communication, listen, and act upon employee communication is a great foundation.

When employees work well with one another, your team brainstorming sessions will be much more beneficial. Similarly, if there is constant employee struggle and conflict, it will bring down everyone on the team. Having an employee-positive culture is an excellent way to improve the quality of company outputs.

Another effective method is to “use the carrot, not the stick.” Positive reinforcement, with rewards for actions deemed good or exceptional, will do more for morale than punishing poor behavior and making a public example of offenders. An example of this would be setting an incentive award for gaining so many leads or achieving a specific amount of sales. In the long term, positive reinforcement tends to create long-lasting, behavioral changes, while negative only prevents improper behavior until the punishment is removed, at which point things resume.

Lower Costs

The trick is to lower costs in ways that are ultimately productive for you and your employees. If you are using a traditional paper-based expense reporting system, for example, this is slow, tedious, difficult to track, and costs more time and effort for everyone. Making the switch of a software/cloud-based expense report system, however, drives down your costs, while at the same time making a tedious activity much easier and less painful for you, your employees and financial staff.

How To Instill An Employee-Positive Culture

One of the best ways to instill an employee-positive culture is by taking a look around your workspace. Is your workspace dull and dreary? Or is it a place where your employees want to come to work each day? Does your workspace inspire innovation and creativity?

Consider moving your team to a San Diego coworking space. In a San Diego coworking space, you’ll put your employees in an upbeat, positive environment that encourages them to succeed. San Diego coworking spaces promote a work-life balance that will motivate employees to work. And, you’ll participate in events with like-minded employees from other companies.

San Diego coworking spaces, such as our flexible premium coworking space, are an excellent way to revitalize your company culture.


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